
Positive decision

Receiving a positive response to an application for international protection (asylum application). You have been recognised as a refugee or you have received subsidiary protection. You have a right of residence.

Subsequent application

Multiple asylum application. This is your second, third or subsequent application for international protection. The rules for a subsequent application are different to those for a first application.

Identity document

An official document that proves who you are (with a photo and your name), for example your national identity card or an international passport.  

Legal investigation

A legal investigation covers all the steps to identify the perpetrators of a crime and gather all evidence. A legal investigation is led by the investigating judge. After this investigation, the court makes a judgement on the case.

Being in need

Needing help, not managing by yourself. A CPAS/OCMW may judge that you are in need if you are unable to do any of the following: house yourself, feed yourself, dress yourself, take care of your hygiene, or if you do not have access to health care.


Someone who listens to a speaker and translates their words orally for someone who does not understand the original language.


A hearing or personal consultation. If you have submitted an application for international protection, you will be invited to an interview, first with the Immigration Office and then with the CGRS. During the interview, you will be asked questions that you must answer as fully and as honestly as possible.


A person who leaves one country to live in another. The word 'migrant' is often used for people who go to another country to work.

Immigration office (IO/DVZ/OE)

The public service responsible for the access to the territory, residence, settlement and expulsion of foreign nationals. You register your application for international protection with the Immigration Office.

Displaced person

Someone who has fled within his own country. Many people leave their own region and move to a nearby region.