
Political regime

The way in which a country is governed. In an oppressive political regime, people cannot just say what they think. In newspapers, they cannot write whatever they want. If they do not think and say the same things as the leaders of the country, they could end up in prison or even be killed.

Humanitarian regularisation (9bis)

This is an exceptional procedure. It is used in situations where you are not eligible for a different residence procedure, but you still have a reason to reside in Belgium. You need an identity document to start this procedure. The procedure costs €350 for each adult in the case.

Public buildings

Buildings of the government that are freely accessible. You can go here for information or other services.


The police is a service of the government. The police maintains public order and security, investigates criminal offences and provides assistance.

Immatriculation certificate (AI) / Orange card

An immatriculation certificate (AI) or orange card is a provisional residence permit that you receive as an applicant for international protection (asylum seeker). The certificate also states whether or not you can work.

You can obtain an AI from the municipality if you have an Annex 26. If you have made a subsequent application, you will only receive an AI if the CGRS has declared your request admissible. 

OKAN classes

OKAN (in Dutch) stands for reception class for foreign-speaking newcomers.

Foreign-speaking students who have only recently arrived in Belgium can receive extra support in specialised classes. You learn Dutch there to integrate into education and society.

Employment contract

An employment contract is an agreement between the employer and the employee. It contains the conditions of employment, such as the number of working hours, the salary, etc.

Opening times

Opening times are the hours that a shop or an institution is open.

Employment office

An employment office will help you find work. For example: VDAB, Actiris, Forem.

Rental contract

An agreement between a landlord and a tenant for a house. As a tenant, you are protected by the law.