Safe countries of origin
Belgium has established a list of safe countries of origin. There is a specific (fast-track) procedure with the CGRS and the Immigration office for persons coming from a safe country of origin. The following countries are currently considered as safe countries of origin: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, FYROM, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, India and Georgia.
Child allowance
In Flanders 'Groeipakket' ('growth package'). A contribution towards the costs of raising children up to the age of 18. The amount depends on the age and place of residence of the child.
A proxy is a written authorisation in which you authorise someone to perform (legal) actions on your behalf.
Social support
If you are unable to live a dignified life, you can ask social support provided by the CPAS/OCMW. This can be, for example, financial support or CPAS/OCMW employment. In some cases, social support is limited to emergency medical assistance.
Centre for general welfare work. The CAW offers professional help to people with problems. Together with you, counsellors will look for the possibilities that you have in and around you. They can also refer you to other services.
International Organization for Migration. The IOM provides humane and orderly migration management and promotes international cooperation on migration issues. The IOM helps find practical solutions and provides humane assistance to migrants in need.
The Office of the Commissioner-General for Refugees and Stateless Persons. The CGRS is an independent Belgian federal institution that examines every application for international protection individually and without prejudice.
Political system in which the head of state is a King or Queen.
Compulsory contribution from citizens and/or companies to the government. Tax is used to finance services to the public (health care, unemployment benefit, etc.).
Unemployment benefit
Financial support for someone looking for work.
If you do not stay in a reception centre during the examination of your asylum application, you will not receive any financial support. You do have the right to medical assistance.
Voluntary return desks from Fedasil and partner organizations are spread out all across Belgium. Contact one of these desks to ask for a voluntary return or for more information.
Welcome to Fedasil info, the information platform for asylum seekers in Belgium!
In the summer it is hot in Belgium and people seek refreshment in the water. Only swim where there is a lifeguard present and do not go into the water if you cannot swim.
Applying for international protection (asylum) in Belgium is sometimes complicated. You may ask for help from your social assistant, an association or a lawyer.
At the start of your asylum procedure, you must hand over your identity documents (passport, identity card) to the Immigration Office or the CGRS (CGRA/CGVS).
The Red Cross helps you in your search for family members. The Red Cross cooperates with other Red Cross and Red Crescent associations worldwide, and with special representatives in conflict zones.
In Belgium, there are rules that apply to all inhabitants, and these are laws. There is no state religion that imposes rules.
In Belgium, the inhabitants speak French, Dutch or German, depending on the region where they live. The three different regions are called communities.
The municipality has various responsibilities: organising schools and childcare, building roads, maintaining parks, collecting waste ... The municipality, the CPAS/OCMW and the police together form the local administration.