
Professions with labour shortages

Professions where employers have difficulty in finding suitable candidates.

Age test

If the Immigration Office or Guardian service has doubts as to whether you are younger than 18, the Guardian service will have an age test carried out. An age test is a medical examination in a hospital in which a doctor determines your age.

Special residence procedure

Aims to find a 'durable solution' for the unaccompanied foreign minors. The solution can be:
• family reunification with the parents
• repatriation to the country of origin or the country in which the minor has a right of residence
• authorisation to stay in Belgium.


Radiography is a method of imaging the interior of the human body using X-rays.

Social orientation classes

Integration classes. This is a course in which you learn about living, working, and learning in Belgium. You receive information about your rights and obligations. You can follow the integration course in Dutch/French or in another language.


Your privacy covers everything that is in your personal life. There are rules which protect your privacy.

Urgent medical assistance

If you are staying in Belgium without legal residence (irregulary), you are only entitled to urgent medical assistance via the CPAS/OCMW.

House rules

The House rules of the reception centre set out the rights and obligations of each resident. 


The Belgian National Institute for Sickness and Disability Insurance is a public institution for social security.

Sworn translator

A translator who has taken a professional oath in court. This translator is authorised to translate official documents and to affix a personal stamp, signature and sworn declaration of accuracy.