
Accompanied minor

A person under the age of 18 who is accompanied by their parent(s) or legal guardian.

Genital mutilation

Genital mutilation covers all forms of removal or mutilation of the female genitals without any medical need.

Trusted person

Someone you trust and who works with you in their professional capacity (psychologist, teacher, social worker, etc.).

Subsidiary protection

The CGRS grants you subsidiary protection if you are at real risk of serious harm if you return to your country of origin and you cannot count on the protection of that country.

A person who has received subsidiary protection is given a residence permit for a limited period of 1 year. This can then be extended twice for 2 years. You receive permanent residence after 5 years, provided that the CGRS has not revoked your status during this period.

Guardian Service

A public service that organises guardianship for unaccompanied foreign minors.

Durable solution

Special residence procedure. This is a procedure for unaccompanied minors that can be started up alongside other procedures. You look for a solution for your future together with the Immigration Office and your guardian. This can be: family reunification with your parents in a country where they legally reside; return to your country of origin or a country where you can legally reside; residence in Belgium.


An official authorisation to enter and stay in a country. A visa is issued by the country where the traveller goes to. That way, the country can control who enters the country.

Debt mediation

If you go into debt mediation, a debt mediator (e.g. the CPAS/OCMW) will try to come to an arrangement with your creditors regarding the payment of your debts.

Living wage

Sum of money that is paid monthly by the CPAS/OCMW to people in need, following a social investigation. The sum received depends on the family composition.


All of the courts and tribunals that supervise compliance with the law.