
Code 207

The code 207 is a specific code from the waiting register that indicates whether and where you are staying in a reception centre or an individual housing from OCMW/CPAS


An embassy represents one country in another country. You can go to the embassy for administrative matters or to start certain procedures. Asylum seekers and refugees cannot do this.

Medical certificate

A medical certificate is drawn up by a doctor after a medical examination. Sometimes you need a medical certificate or you can use a medical certificate to prove your declaration or certain facts.

Council of State

You can appeal against a decision of the Council for Alien Law Litigation (CALL) with the Council of State. The Council of State only checks whether the CALL has complied with all legal obligations. The substance of a case is not examined.

Applicant for international protection

Asylum seeker. A person who flees his country and seeks protection in another country. He asks a country for international protection (asylum).


Laws are written rules that are part of the general law. Everyone in Belgium must abide by the law. The courts make sure the laws are complied with.


The parliament is elected by Belgian citizens and plays an important role in drafting and adopting laws.

Order to leave Belgian territory (BGV/OQT)

If you are staying irregularly in Belgium, you may receive an order to leave the Belgian territory (BGV/OQT). If you receive a BGV/OQT, you must leave Belgium to return to your country of origin, or to the country where you have a right of residence. You must leave the country within a certain time. After this time, you may be forcibly removed.

Family reunification

The reunification of family members who are separated by circumstances, often migration. If you are recognised as a refugee or if you have legal residence, you can have your family members come to Belgium under certain conditions.

Medical regularisation (9ter)

You can apply for a medical regularisation if you are seriously ill and the treatment you need is not available or accessible in your own country. Regularisation entitles the person to temporary residence status in Belgium. You need a specific medical certificate to start this procedure.