Your invitation to the CGRS
The CGRS invites you to its offices in Brussels.

The CGRS (CGVS/CGRA) will invite you at least once for a personal interview.
How do I receive my invitation?
The CGRS will send the letter of invitation by mail to the address of your choice or by e-mail to the reception centre where you reside. If you have a lawyer, he/she will receive a copy of the letter.
It is important that you inform the CGRS of your correct address, so as to be sure to receive the letter of invitation. If you have moved, please send a registered letter containing your new address to the CGRS. You can download the appropriate form here.
What does the invitation contain?
The invitation states on what day and at what time you need to go to the CGRS offices in Brussels to be heard during your personal interview.
What to do if I am unable to go to the appointment?
If serious reasons prevent you from coming to the interview, for example because you are ill, you must inform the CGRS and justify your absence with a certificate within the time limit mentioned in your letter of invitation. When doing so, ask your lawyer or social worker for help.
Address CGRS