When can you work?
Asylum seekers can work in Belgium 4 months after they have submitted their application. Recognised refugees are allowed to work, just like Belgians.
You are an asylum seeker
If the CGRS (CGRA/CGVS) has not yet taken a decision on your application for international protection, you can only work 4 months after submitting your application for international protection.
- When you renew your orange card at the municipality, it will automatically state: 'Labour market: unlimited'.
- You can practise all professions in Belgium.
How long is the right to work valid?
Your right to work remains valid until the CGRS has made a decision on your application. If you appeal against the decision of the CGRS, your right to work is valid until the CALL (RvV/CCE) takes a decision in your appeal procedure.
You are a recognised refugee
You have an unlimited right to work if you have obtained refugee status or subsidiary protection.