Having my diploma recognised in Wallonia or Brussels
If you have obtained a diploma abroad and you want to work in Wallonia or Brussels, you can have your diploma recognised. How? You have to request the 'equivalence' of your diploma from the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.
An equivalence is a document that shows the value of the diploma you obtained abroad.
You can choose between two procedures:
- Equivalence of levels of study: it is checked which level of study in Belgium corresponds to your foreign diploma (bachelor, master or other level).
- Equivalence of a specific diploma: it is checked whether the content of your course abroad has the same value as the same course in Belgium.
The procedure for equivalence for a diploma costs between 150 and 200 euros. Foreign nationals who have received refugee status or subsidiary protection do not have to pay for the costs of the procedure.
Before starting a procedure, we advise you to contact the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. The procedure can be complicated. To help you, you can also ask for help from a regional integration centre (in Wallonia) or from the 'Ciré' association (in Brussels).