Asylum procedure for unaccompanied minors

Are you an unaccompanied foreign minor and have you applied for international protection? You will find useful information about your asylum procedure here.

The CGRS (CGRA/CGVS) will receive your application from the Immigration Office. The CGRS will examine your asylum application based on an interview. During the interview, you will have the opportunity to explain why you are asking Belgium for protection.

Preparing for the interview

You, your guardian and your lawyer will receive an invitation for an interview. You and your guardian must be present at the interview. It is also best to have your lawyer assist you.

Before the interview, make sure you collect as much information and documents as possible, regarding

  • your identity and age
  • your journey to Belgium
  • the reasons why you fled
  • possibly the place of residence of your family

The CGRS needs this information to handle your application as thoroughly as possible. Your guardian and lawyer will help you assemble this information.

Interview minors

How will the interview progress?

The interview will be held in a room in the CGRS building in Brussels. A protection officer from the CGRS will interview you. The protection officer has experience with interviewing children and will help you clearly tell your story in your own words.

Because you are still a minor, the CGRS does not expect you to know the answers to all the questions.

It is better to say that you do not know something, rather than lying or making something up.

If you don't speak Dutch or French, you can request an interpreter. The interpreter ensures that you and the protection officer can understand each other.

You can also request that a person of trust accompanies you for the interview. This is an adult that you trust, for example a psychologist, teacher or social worker.

The CGRS may also invite a family member, for example your brother or aunt, to the interview, to clarify your situation.

The examination

Following the interview, the protection officer will examine your application for international protection.

He or she will check various elements:

  • the credibility of your story
  • the documents you have collected to back up your story
  • the situation in your country of origin, or the country where you were staying

The CGRS will take your age, background and needs into account.

After the examination, the CGRS will send you a letter with their decision. Your guardian and lawyer will receive the same letter.