Social assistance from the CPAS/OCMW
If you are recognised as a refugee and you do not yet have an income to rent a house and provide for yourself, you can ask for help from the CPAS/OCMW.
Who gets social assistance from the CPAS/OCMW?
To get social assistance from the CPAS/OCMW, you need to meet several conditions:
- You are legally residing in Belgium (recognised refugee, subsidiary protection, etc.)
- You are in need. The CPAS/OCMW will examine your situation and income.
- You have a place of residence in Belgium
The CPAS/OCMW can also impose other conditions: being willing to work, first applying for other benefits to which you are entitled, etc.
What assistance does the CPAS/OCMW provide?
The CPAS/OCMW examines which assistance is most suitable for you. Some examples of assistance provided by the CPAS/OCMW:
- financial assistance (a monthly living wage or a top-up if you earn less than the living wage)
- housing or assistance in searching for housing
- installation bonus (help with buying furniture and household goods)
- assistance in paying for medical care
- help in looking for work
- help in repaying debts (debt mediation)
- psycho-social assistance
If you need social assistance, go to the CPAS/OCMW of the municipality where you are staying.