Returning to your country
People who want to return to their country can ask Fedasil for help.
It's your choice
If you choose to return to your country, it will be a voluntary return, and not a forced return.
It is your decision, and you are free to change your mind and decide not to leave.
You can decide to leave during your asylum procedure or when you have received a negative decision. Foreign nationals who are in Belgium and who have never applied for protection can also apply for assistance for voluntary return.

How to request a return?
To return to your country of origin, you can ask for help from Fedasil. Fedasil organises and pays for your return journey. You do not have to pay for the plane ticket or bus ticket.
To request voluntary return or for more information, you can contact your social worker directly.
If you are not in a reception location, you can call the free number 0800/32 745, or go to a Fedasil or partner office.