Choice of reception place
Fedasil will choose the reception centre according to the beds available in the centres at the time, and taking account of your situation (composition of your family, your health, etc.).
Fedasil offers you a reception place while your asylum application is being examined.
After having registered your application for protection in the arrival centre, Fedasil will check whether you can get reception during the examination of your application.
Choice of reception place
Fedasil will choose the reception centre according to the beds available in the centres at the time, and taking account of your situation (composition of your family, your health, etc.).
You don’t need a reception place?
It is not an obligation. You can decide to turn down the reception place that Fedasil offers you, for example if you have friends in Belgium who agree to house you. In this case, Fedasil will only help you with medical care.
You are not happy with the reception conditions?
Talk about it with your social worker. You also have the possibility to file a complaint.