Need shelter?

Do you have no right to reception and are you looking for a place to sleep in a safe environment? Various organisations in Belgium offer help and shelter to people in need.

The homeless shelter organisations offer the following help:

  • a place to sleep
  • showers and sanitary facilities
  • laundrette to wash your clothes
  • food
  • lockers
  • support

In various cities in Belgium there are places to sleep for homeless people. In the winter, when it is cold in Belgium, there are extra reception places. People who live on the streets can spend the night there.

You don’t know where to go?

Go to the CPAS/OCMW or CAW in your area. They will help you and refer you to a homeless shelter.

Homeless shelters in Brussels

For a place to sleep in Brussels, you can go to SamuSocial. Call the free phone number 0800/99 340 (from 5.30pm) to reserve a place to sleep.

To take a shower, wash your clothes, or get a haircut, you can go to DoucheFLUX.


0800 99 340


Veeartsenstraat 84, 1070 Brussels

+32 (0)2 319 58 27

Tuesday > Friday: 8:30am > 5:00pm

Saturday > Sunday: 11:30am > 3:00pm