Sometimes, asylum seekers can or must change their reception place.
You can make a subsequent application for international protection if your first application has been rejected. Only make a subsequent application if you have a new reason or if new facts have arisen after your first request was refused.
In Belgium, your privacy and family life are respected. Only in certain cases, for example when someone is in an emergency situation, someone can interfere in your private life.
In Belgium, it is compulsory to take out health insurance. If you are ill, the health insurance fund pays a large part of the medical costs. If you are unable to work due to illness or an accident, you will receive financial compensation to replace your wage.
Belgium has 1 federal government and 5 regional governments. Each government has a number of ministers with their own powers.
Have you found paid work? Congratulations! You may have to contribute for your accommodation at the reception centre. Talk about it with your social worker.
In Belgium, many services are offered online: making a doctor's appointment, making a bank transfer...
If you are studying or going to school, you can do a temporary job in addition to your studies to earn some extra money. This kind of work is called a student job.
Do you contest the decision of the CGRS (CGRA/CGVS)? You can appeal the decision with the Council for Alien Law Litigation (CALL/RvV/CCE). Consult with your lawyer regarding this option.